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Showing posts from July, 2017

Our Family Morning Routine

So, since this is the very first blog post, I thought we could start with our regular school term morning routine.  Our Morning Routine Our mornings get really busy and tend to go real fast due to the fact that we are a one car family and I have to take my husband to work every day. We are fortunate in that we also live with my mum so I do not have to get all the kids up and bring them with me.  So my day starts at 6am, when my alarm goes off and I keep pressing the snooze button until 6:30am mainly due to the fact that I am NOT a morning person. As soon as I do get up it is time to wake up the babies! First up, my 8 year old son. He usually wakes up pretty easily and I don't have to keep going back to get him out of bed. He is also the one who, when he feels helpful, gets the bowls out for breakfast along with the cereal.  Next is my 7 year old daughter. She can be a little tough to get up some mornings, but generally speaking she gets up within a few minutes of waking.