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Showing posts from June, 2019

Meal Plan Monday!

Hey Everyone! It has been a while, but Meal Plan Monday is back! It is the last week of school here before our winter break, so we have a few nights that we are out this week. However, there will be no takeaway meals here! I will be making use of my slow cooker for a few meals this week to make it easier on the budget. So let's get stuck in! Monday: Golden Curry with sausages (we have my son's futsal game right around dinner time) Tuesday: Slow cooker lasange (my daughter has a small performance for drama at school) Wednesday: Chicken tonight and rice (I am out for a church event) Thursday: Fish, chips and eggs (A night at home!) Friday: Pasta (my son is at Rangers) Saturday: Pies and chips Sunday: My mum is making something delicious that is yet to be decided! My youngest daughter also has gymnastics until 5.30 Wednesday and Friday, so the dinners are quick and easy ones! What is on your menu for this week? Thanks for read