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Showing posts from March, 2018

How to get more of God's Word into your day!

Good Morning! As a busy mum of now 6, I know how hard it is to not just concentrate on the massive to-do lists in front of us every day. Just let me start with a disclaimer: I am by no means perfect at reading my Bible every day, I just try to include some form of the Bible in my day, because let's face it, I can't really live my best life without it. Let me just insert a picture of something my now 7 year old daughter made over a year ago. I don't know where the idea come from for her, but I sure am thankful she did. She didn't make a fuss about it, she took my shopping list into her room with a pen wrote out these beautiful words and simply put it on my desk, which is where it has been ever since. Every single time I look at it, I am reminded of the importance of being a good God example for our children. They look at what we do all the time and mimic our behaviour. So if we as mothers and fathers, continuously show our children that we are immersing ourselves

Grocery Shopping Tips Part 2! (FINALLY!!!)

Hey Guys! So sorry for the post being sooo late.... but here it is! My next tip for grocery shopping is to try, try, try to not take kids with you. I know this may be next to impossible for a lot of people, but there are other options. Whenever I take my kiddos shopping with me, I always end up with a stack of things I don't need, there are always temper tantrums because I said no to something. If I have the option to not take the kids into the grocery store, I don't. There is no use putting yourself through the stress of having to deal with kids tantrums and trying to stick to your list especially when you have a small budget. Tip Number 8 is to make use of the in-store points cards. Here in Australia, Coles have the FlyBuys cards and Woolworths have rewards cards (We don't really have any other ones where we are which is why i have only mentioned these two). The thing to remember when using these cards is to not let the bonus points affect your list too much.