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How to get more of God's Word into your day!

Good Morning!

As a busy mum of now 6, I know how hard it is to not just concentrate on the massive to-do lists in front of us every day. Just let me start with a disclaimer: I am by no means perfect at reading my Bible every day, I just try to include some form of the Bible in my day, because let's face it, I can't really live my best life without it.

Let me just insert a picture of something my now 7 year old daughter made over a year ago.

I don't know where the idea come from for her, but I sure am thankful she did. She didn't make a fuss about it, she took my shopping list into her room with a pen wrote out these beautiful words and simply put it on my desk, which is where it has been ever since. Every single time I look at it, I am reminded of the importance of being a good God example for our children. They look at what we do all the time and mimic our behaviour. So if we as mothers and fathers, continuously show our children that we are immersing ourselves and our households in God's Word, they will always have that to lean on in hard times. The Bible says in Proverbs 22:6 to Train up a child in the way they should go (and in keeping with his individual gift or bent), and when he is old he will not depart from it. (AMP)

So there is the reason why I do this.
Now here is the how.

I will start with my favourite, because I am a Worshipper at heart: Put on some worship music!
Before I even get out of bed on my hard days, I have worship music playing on my phone. This sets the tone for the whole (often chaotic) morning. My go-to worship songs are Oceans (Hillsong United), Peace Be Still (The Belonging Co, feat Lauren Daigle) and I want the Cross (Calvary Worship). Playing worship music aloud in the house in the morning helps get everyone in the best frame of mind and ready to start their day.

I heard someone in my church say one day, that they read a chapter of Proverbs a day. Thirty-one chapters for thirty-one days! Since I started (and failed and started again...) I have been more in tune with the way God wants me to live than ever before. Some days I read it, some days I don't, but on the days that I do, I read in the morning and pray for God to give me one verse to meditate on that day. I often write it on my hand if I am going out that day or in my journal and have it open all day.

A few years ago I found this little gem.

I love the fact that they are a sticky note pad that I can put anywhere in my house. Having scriptures displayed around the house that are helping you through the season you and your family are in, is a constant reminder of Who you lean on, whether you are on the mountain top or in the valley. They don't have to be pretty, just something at eye-level that catches your attention whenever you walk past.

One of my favourite things to do when I had to pick my hubby up from work was to read a devotional on my phone. There are many amazing apps you can choose from, however my absolute favourite is the She Reads Truth app. They have so many different reading plans on the app as well as an online store where you can purchase hard copies of the reading plans with devotional questions, they have a She Reads Truth Bible that has a whole lot of great features. On the app after every day's reading, there is a space for you to chat with other women about what that reading means to you, etc.

My last point is to be intentional in carving out time to spend with Jesus. Get up before the household (as hard as that is, it is definitely worth it), make your coffee and sit and spend time with Him. He yearns for a relationship with us and that is only made possible if we are intentional. Go spend time after you are done with school/daycare drop-offs, get someone to come watch your kiddos while you go sit at the beach or at a coffee shop. Carve out some time to fill your tank. This is so worth it!

Thanks for reading!
Jacqui Raisin


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