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Showing posts from December, 2019

What we got our 4 kids for Christmas 2019!

Hey Guys! So Christmas is the day after tomorrow (as I am writing this), so this post is all about what we got the kids for Christmas! Our kids are 14, 13, 11 and 9 so they are not interested in toys as such. We also just came back from a 2 week holiday so that was the main family present. So we only got the kids 2 gifts each from us. They do get more from grandparents and friends so I don't feel bad for not getting them a lot of things. I'll start with a family gift. We wanted to get something that will get not only the kids outside playing, but us parents as well. So this set was perfect! 8 in 1 sports set Lyss's gifts include a new phone and a bullet journal with a couple of pens that were recommended. She has not been having a great time with her current phone (her Dad's old one) so we decided to spend up and get her a decent new phone. This Oppo AX5S is the one we chose because it ticked all the boxes and the price was pretty good. It is a

6 Meal Hacks for Busy Mums!

Hey Everyone! As a busy mum with kiddos who have after school activities most of the week, planning and prepping meals is a big part of my week.  At this point, my son has futsal games on Monday and Tuesday late afternoon, and futsal training on Monday and Wednesday straight after school. Speech therapy is also straight after school on Tuesdays.  My youngest daughter also has gymnastics straight after school on Wednesday and Friday. So making sure I have meals prepped (for the most part at least) is really important for us to keep to our routines. Here are some tips I have picked up in my journey of feeding my family on a budget! Tip #1: Pre-cook your mince, chicken breast etc. We eat a few meals that use mince as the base (tacos, spag bol, savoury mince etc) and in order to make the most of my time in the kitchen, throwing a couple of kilos of mince in the pan or putting some chicken breast in the slow cooker takes little effort. Freeze in ziplock freezer bags in 1k