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Back into Monthly Meal Planning!

Hey guys!!!

I am so happy to announce that I am getting back into the swing of things in regards to monthly meal planning! I have implemented a tip I have heard a hundred times over and decided to put certain types of meals on certain days. So Sunday for me is Something New Sunday and I am not making any plans for that, just if we find a recipe we want to try out that month, Sunday is the day to do that. I am also keeping Fridays as Noodle and or pasta because that is what works for my family. Our Fridays have become even more busy now that my daughter has gymnastics on from 3.30 - 5.30pm. 

So here is the basic lay out for the week.

Something new Sunday
Mince Monday
Chicken Tuesday
Pizza Wednesday
Fish Thursday
Noodles/Pasta Friday
Something Simple Saturday

So I will continue to share just the menu plan for a week in order to keep Meal Plan Monday going.

So this week (Sunday 5th - Saturday 11th) is:

Sunday: Pizza (last minute decision to go to church)
Monday: Spag Bol (recipe linked here)
Tuesday: Teriyaki chicken fried rice
Wednesday: Stromboli
Thursday: Fish and veg
Friday: Noodles/Pasta
Saturday: Fish fingers and hot chips

This has made meal planning so much easier for me! 
Hope you guys have a great week!

Jacqui xxx


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