Hey guys!
Today I thought I would share with you my night routine as a mumma of 4 on a school night.
These nights are always so busy especially when you add in the nights I am out for church stuff, or afternoons with kids at different activities.
But they all have these main things that I do every night to stay on top of things.
First off, after the kids go to bed, I take some time for myself and either watch a couple of YouTube videos, or if there is a TV show on I like, I will sit in the lounge room and watch. This is my breather after making sure the kids have done what they need to do and getting a certain little monkey to sleep at night can take a while.
Next is to get the kitchen done and the lunches made/planned for the next day. A lot of the time, my kids don't like to eat sandwiches at school, so I plan to make up some rice cakes or portion out some leftovers for their lunches. Cutting fruit is always done in the morning anyway to stop it from going brown. Getting the kitchen done at night is so, so, so important in order for the morning to go smoothly. I can't stand waking up to a messy kitchen and having to move things out of the way to get lunches made in the morning.
Then it's onto the uniforms/clothes for the next day. I make sure I have something out for myself to wear or I find myself doing school drop off wearing a daggy pair of shorts and my husband's tshirt! Making sure the kid's have everything they need for the correct uniform doesn't take long, just a glance at the uniform rack. I do wash what they need that is not already there but it hardly happens because I keep on top of it most of the time (we all drop the ball sometimes - more often than not... that time of the month is to blame;).
Most of the time I remember to do a walk through of the house to make sure everything is put away and no toys or anything is left on the floor for people to trip on. One of our kiddos does not like staying in her own bed so she will wake up and go into either my bed (which she gets put back into hers immediately... I can't sleep with anyone else in the bed) or more often her Nan's room. I don't want her tripping over anything in the middle of the night and hurting herself so I try and make sure everything is up off the floor and put away.
This is when I get some work done. Either blogging or my doTerra business (whichever one I haven't really worked on that day) gets done at night. I seem to be working effectively between 9 and 11pm so I take advantage of that little spurt whenever possible.
Time to get ready for bed! After all this, I am finally tired enough to get to sleep fairly quickly. So this is when I brush my teeth and get into bed. I do normally take a while to get to sleep, so I keep a blend of Lavender Peace and Frankincense essential oil in a roller bottle next to my bed. More often that not, this blend is enough for me, but on nights I still struggle, I go and get the bottles of Balance and Lavender Peace and just rub a drop of each onto my big toes, which, I find, works really well for me.
So there is my night routine of a Mumma of 4!
It does change up here and there, but this is the bones, things I have to get done at night time in order for the next day to start off on the right foot!
Thanks for reading!
Jacqui xxx
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