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Showing posts from July, 2018

Meal Plan Monday... On Tuesday!

Hey Guys! I had planned to get this up yesterday, but I was hit with a major headache very suddenly yesterday so there was no computer time for me... I am just very thankful I have an amazing daughter and mother who took over making dinner without any complaints. So here we go! Monday: Homemade rissoles with veg Tuesday: Butter Chicken and rice Wednesday: Homemade Pizza Thursday: Fish, Chips and Eggs Friday: Noodles/Pasta Saturday: Chicken fingers and chips Sunday: Roast beef and veg I decided to be kind to myself this week with snacks and there were half decent snacks on sale for half price at Coles. Veggie straws Rice crackers Yoghurt Muesli bars Pikelets (still have some in the freezer) Banana and honey muffins (still in freezer) So there are are meals and snacks for this week. Hope you have a great week where ever you are! Jacqui xxx

Back to Meal Plan Monday!

Hey guys! So I finally got my act together enough to meal plan for this week! We have had a crazy few weeks here and yes I have been really bad with meal planning. School holidays have been and gone and now it is time to get back into the routines we all thrive on here! Here we go! Monday: Savoury mince Tuesday: Chicken meatball bake with veg  Wednesday: Sticky sausages and veg Thursday: Crumbed fish with mac and cheese Friday: Noodles/Pasta Saturday: Party pies and hot chips Sunday: Meatloaf and veg I am going to do most of these meals in the Thermomix wherever I can as well as make a lot of the snacks for the week in there as well. So for snacks this week I am making: Yoghurt Popcorn Banana muffins Choc chip muffins Honey loaf Thanks for reading! Jacqui xxx

My top 10 favourite TV shows

Hey Guys! I decided to start a new series on here called My Top 10! The first one I would like to start with is... My Top 10 TV Shows! *These are in no particular order* First up! Jane the Virgin! I watch this on Netflix Australia (obviously) and this is one I tend to binge watch... FYI: NEVER try to watch this while on a treadmill... (you have to keep watching the screen at all times or you will miss something...) Netflix has only just put the 4th season on and I watched it all within a few days. Second is: The Big Bang Theory. I watch as much of this show as I can on TV whenever I can find a new episode airing here, but mostly I buy the DVD's. I own 10 seasons so far and will continue to collect these as they are released. I identify most with Bernadette... I am 5 foot nothing and have a computer nerd for a husband. *Nobody tell him I said that*  This leads into the next one: Young Sheldon! My kids really like this show and I think we will end up co

Kid's Chores!

Hey Guys! Here is our way of getting the kiddos to help around the house! First off, this does not happen the way I would like all the time. We all have times where it is really hard getting your kids to get involved in the house hold jobs and to be completely honest, I have been having a few weeks of this not working. The kids are about to finish off school holidays so things have been different. To start with, I divided the house into 5 different zones as I have 5 kiddos able to help with the responsibilities. These are: Zone 1: Lounge room Zone 2: Play room Zone 3: Kitchen Zone 4: Dining room Zone 5: Bathroom Each of the kids are assigned one zone and are working in that zone for a week. The jobs within the zone are different for every developmental stage and changes with whatever needs to be done at that point in that zone. Jobs for zone 1 may include: general tidy, vacuum rug, sweep floor, clean the coffee table and dust the shelves. Zone 2 jobs are: pac

Our Spag Bol Recipe!

Hey Guys! So you guys know that Spaghetti Bolognese is one of our family favourite meals, so I thought I would share the recipe! This recipe is one that I have developed into what it is now over the last few years. We start with 1kg of beef mince. We do go through all of it most of the time, however when we don't, we use it on the pasta we have on Friday nights. Here are the ingredients: 1kg beef mince (I drain the fat anyway so I just buy the cheap mince and make sure all of the fat has been drained properly) 2 beef stock cubes OR 2 tablespoons of beef stock concentrate 2 teaspoons of minced garlic 70g can of tomato paste 1 jar Leggos Bolognese pasta sauce with bacon, chunky tomato and herbs 2 cubes of frozen chopped spinach First, brown the mince and then drain the fat. You really want to get all of the fat out that you can because this will cause a layer on top of the finished sauce. Put the mince back in the large pot and add the stock cubes and minced

Snack time

Hey Guys! As I was going through the last few weeks, I thought I could share with you some of our favourite snacks that we make for school lunches, afternoon tea, etc. As I have said in previous blog posts, I would rather make snacks than buy them prepackaged. I save so much money by making our own snacks like popcorn, muffins, etc. and we have a child who needs to eat more meals that will help her with gaining weight. I love that I have the control over what goes into the food that we eat. We don't eat super super healthy, however, we do eat fresh fruits and veggies the majority of the time. These snacks are simple and appealing to small fussy humans. Popcorn! We love our popcorn here and the simplest and easiest way is with a popcorn maker! I picked up mine at Kmart for $8 and a pack of popping corn is just over $1. One bag makes a ton of popcorn and these can be popped, put in snack bags and ready to go in lunch boxes for the week. I wouldn't keep them in the pan