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Keeping the kids busy over the school holidays!

Hey everyone!

We are 1 week in, of 3 weeks of school holidays. We are actually coasting through nicely at this point. We have had a few outings and activities that haven't cost anything so far which is really good on the pocket. 

Today we had my Mother In Law over teaching the kids how to make beaded Christmas tree decorations. They loved it! It was a bit difficult for my 12 year old (she is developmentally delayed with a range of other issues) so I helped her a fair bit. My son, Knox, had a really good crack at it, didn't finish his but he was there for most of the time. My youngest and my oldest daughters both really enjoyed and finished theirs and they are both looking forward to making more! My mother in law had all of the stuff required to make these so they did not cost me anything and they got to spend some quality time with their grandparents! 

Baking is also a really good, cheap school holiday activity. Spending time in the kitchen with your kiddos helps them to develop a healthy relationship with food as well as building competency and confidence in cooking. 
My 12 year old (TJ) really loves helping with baking in particular. Brownies are a big hit with her especially when we add a couple of drops of Peppermint essential oil to the mix! 

We also love to go on Donut Dates. Sometimes we take the kids all together and other times we take them one at a time over the course of the school holidays. We love Donut King and they are in all of the major shopping centres around our town so we have options. The adults get a coffee and cinnamon donuts while the kids love to get a milkshake and an iced donut. Spending time outside of the house is always a plus!

Okay, this one doesn't cost anything! Dance parties are a regular in our house and yes most of the time it is just me dancing around the lounge room like a crazy person listening to Disney music, while the kids are on the couch laughing at me. Sometimes they join in and it is a lot of fun had by all!

Technology days. My kid's love it when they are allowed on technology for most of the day. I do make sure they are active and playing outside for a lot of the day, but when they are on technology, all is quiet. Favourite games to play are Minecraft Pocket Edition, Colouring and watching certain YouTube videos. I do monitor what they are playing/watching at all times. 

Going to the Library is always a favourite holiday activity and sometimes they have their own activities on at the library as well. Some of them you have to book into, but they are all free. This is something we like to do every school holidays.

I hope you guys are having a brilliant holiday wherever you are!

Thanks for reading!

Jacqui xxx


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