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My Top 10 Cookbooks!

Hey Guys!

You all know I am a mumma of a large family, so I kinda have to have a few favourite cookbooks, right?
I do have quite a few cookbooks and websites that I pull from when I am meal planning, particularly when I get stuck with making the same meals over and over (it happens... I am far from perfect guys...). 
Some of these are for thermomix recipes specifically, (my goal for the year is to use my thermomix more) while others are just general cookbooks.

So lets get into it!

1. Thermomix Every Day Cookbook. This is the cookbook you get with your Thermomix and it has basic recipes and hints and tips to get used to your thermomix. My mum's favourite recipe in this is the custard. 

2. Mamabake Cookbook. This is the cookbook I reach for when I have a lot of busy days where I will not have time to cook. There is a lot of slowcooker dump recipes in there that my family love and don't break the budget.

3. Once a Month Cooking by the Stay at Home Mum Jody Allen. Similar to the Mamabake cookbook, I use recipes from this one when I know I have a lot on that week. She also gives instructions on freezing the meals and safely defrosting them when you want to use them.

4. The $50 Weekly Shop by Jody Allen! We went through a season of not having much money for groceries and this book helped a lot. I still use a lot of these tips in the book now. The recipes in this one are fantastic. There is also a 2nd book I really would love to get as the first one has been a game changer for me and my family.

5. Slow Cooker Central Super Savers by Paulene Christie. This is a new one, and we have only made a couple of recipes in it so far, but they have definately been winners. Especially the Sausage Obsession recipe. Super simple and no prep.

6. Slow cooker central Kids also by Paulene Christie. I tend to stick with the series of cookbooks when I find them and these are no different. This is one with slow cooker recipes my kids can make themselves. And we all know that when the kids are involved in the planning and cooking stages of managing kitchens, they tend to eat what they make.

7. Large Family Table's Freezer Cooking Meal Packs. I really, really, really love these!!! I have had to do some adjustments with some of the recipes because Jamerill Stewart is based in America and there are a few things that we cannot get over here in Australia. I have made a lot of the recipes in these packs and they are all winners with my family. Particularly the fruit bread. Flat out best banana bread I have ever made!

8. Deceptively Delicious by Jessica Seinfeld. This book really came in handy when we were going through all the fussy little kid stage. I love how she gives instructions on how the properly puree different fruit and veg in order to hide them in kids fave meals. My kids loved the Mac and Cheese one when they were younger as well as the muesli slice. Little did they know, they were eating veggies like spinach and cauliflower as well.

9. 4 Ingredients 1. Such simple recipes that saved us big time when we were going through a tight spot a few years ago. I still make recipes from this book, even though I don't pull it out often, a lot of them I have commited to memory. Goes to show how much I have made them!

10. This one isn't a published cookbook, however it is the most special to me. This folder contains recipes from my childhood, home ec at school and family recipes that have been handed down. Some are from my side of the family and some are from my husband's side. I love pulling this out and teaching our 13 year old daughter some of these recipes that her grandparents and great grandparents used to make for their families. Passing these down the generations are so vital to keeping the memories alive. There are a couple of those recipes my dad used to make with his parents and the memories I have of him reminiscing about making these with his parents are so special.

Hope you like my top 10 cookbooks!

Thanks for reading!!!

Jacqui xxx


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