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Meal Plan Monday #2

Hey Guys!

Here is our meal plan for this week starting 4/6!

Monday: Party pies, sausage rolls and chicken rice 

Tuesday: Potato topped meatloaf with veggies and sweet potato mash

Wednesday: Homemade pizza This is State of Origin (Rugby League Football) and it is huge where we are, hence the pizza night ;)

Thursday: Potato and Leek soup with bread rolls (might do something else that is super simple for the kiddos to eat - they really do not like soup)

Friday: Pasta/Noodles

Saturday: Hot dogs (one of the boys requested this and I am liking this idea...)

Sunday: Mum cooks!

My mission for this week is to use my Thermomix every day. This is why there are a few things on here that I can quickly and easily make in the thermomix as well as various snacks for school lunches. This weeks snacks include: milo and banana muffins, pikelets, yoghurt, custard, boiled eggs, popcorn and a few others. Apart from the Thermomix recipe community, the best website I have found for Thermomix recipes is The Road to Loving My Thermomix. I have gotten a lot of great recipes off here and my family loves them! 

Thanks for reading!

Jacqui xxx


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