Hey Guys!
Just a quick update on the meal plan for the rest of the week!
Turns out my daughter is not celiac!!! So it's back to meal planning as normal and not having freak outs over whether I would be able to keep up with making GF food for her!
So here are the meals we have planned for the rest of the week:
Wednesday: Chicken patties with veg (we had a sneaky Maccas treat for dinner last night as we thought it would be the last time we could)
Thursday: Savoury Mince
Friday: Noodles/Pasta
Saturday: Party pies and hot chips
Sunday: At Church (we have an amazing opportunity to hear from one of my favourites - Christine Caine on live link through our multi-campus church! So we will be having dinner at Church)
Hope you guys have a great week!
Jacqui xxx
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