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A day in the life with essential oils!

Hey everyone!

I have been using my essential oils for a couple of months now, so I thought I would share with you kind of like a day in the life essential oils version.
I think I underestimated how much I would use these oils and how much of a difference they would make in our lives. 
So here is a typical day of our family incorporating our doTerra oils.

6am: my alarm goes off to get everyone up and ready for school. I come out and put my motivation blend on my wrists and go to each room to wake everyone up. One of the kiddos have had a cough over night so I put a drop of Easy Air (Breath for US) with some Fractionated Coconut Oil on their chest. The kids get up and get breakfast while I get coffee happening. Today I also decided to put the diffuser going with a couple of drops of peppermint, lemon and frankinsence. This is a blend to help with getting moving in the morning and smells so good. 

7:30am: The kids are ready for school so they line up to get the InTune roller on the back of their necks and they are off to school!

8:30am: I get back home and get a load of laundry going. I have made my own washing powder with Purify and Lemon essential oils which makes the washing smell amazing. This is the start of my morning routine and doesn't take too long to get done. 

10am: I have a headache starting to bug me a bit so I get out my keychain oil carrier and put some diluted peppermint on my temples which takes it away completely within 20 minutes. 

5:30pm: It's time to put dinner on and for the kids to start settling down so the diffuser gets put on again with a blend of Balance, Wild Orange and Frankinsence. 

7pm: Time for the kiddos to get ready for bed, so on goes a diluted Lavendar oil on thier pillows. This helps so much with my 8 year old who really struggles to get to sleep. She now stays asleep all night so I will call that a win!

This is a typical day using our doTerra oils. They really have changed the way we live for the better.
I am not selling as yet however this may change in the future. 

Thanks for reading!

Jacqui xxx


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